Build's Editor

Build's Editor

Creating a Survey

There are 3 main steps under CX, creating a suitable survey, receiving responses from your audience and taking action on the feedback received. These steps involve many different teams from within an organization and hence is a very complex process.


We’ve simplified this by dividing the process in 5 different stages namely:

  1. Build

  2. Share

  3. Integrations

  4. Report

  5. Text Analytics


These different stages are followed in the respective order and need to be looped back for efficient implementation.


Let’s start with the Build section.

Adding Questions and Question Types

We create surveys using questions. Click the “Add Question” button to choose your first question.


A drop-down menu will appear, where you can scroll through all the question types available.


The following question types are available on SurveySensum:

Welcome Screen
Net Promoter Score (NPS)
Opinion Scale
Long And Short Text Questions
Multiple Choice Question
Rating Question
Email Question
Number Question
Grid Question
Rate Attributes Question
Phone Number Question
Yes-No Question
Image Choice Question
Thank You Screen
Terminate Screen

To know how and when these questions are used, click on them in the above list.

After adding a question to your survey, you can edit the text directly in the question tab. On the bottom right of the tab, you will see the following:

  • Drag and Drop button - to change the order of questions in a survey.

  • Question settings - to change the settings of the active question.

  • Logic button - to create display and jump logics on the questions.

  • Triple dot menu - to clone or delete a question from the survey.


The following question settings are common to most of the questions:

  • Add description text

  • Mandatory

  • Always Hide Question

  • Add image

  • Add video

The question specific properties are mentioned along with the respective questions.


To ensure that your respondents start your survey with something great you can add a welcome screen. The welcome screen will help engage your respondents and let them know about you. You can add images, videos, and attract more people to fill out your survey. The welcome screen will help people understand the purpose of the survey and much more if used properly.


Net Promoter Score® focuses on the fair treatment of customers and employees. Unlike traditional accounting that focuses on short-term business profits, NPS® looks at the long-term picture. It focuses on how well-perceived a business is through the eyes of its customers and employees.


The default follow-up question is the same for all responders. To customize the follow up question change the toggle for "Custom End Screen". The follow-up question shown to the respondents will be unique by score. You can edit the text separately for Promoters, Passives, and Detractors.


Note : The net promoter score divides respondents into three categories: Promoters, Passives, Detractors. To know more click on the link.


Respondents can share their opinions on a numbered scale using this question. You can also select the scale for this question based on your requirements.


Advanced Customization: The scale by default starts at 1. Change the toggle to start the scale at 0. Change the toggle for flip scale to reverse the order of the scale.

Opinion Scale Question allows up to two labels for the questions scale.

By default, two of these—not at all likely and extremely likely—are already in place, but can be rewritten as needed by clicking on advanced customization.


Long and short text questions can record the thoughts or opinions of respondents via text. If your company needs suggestions on a feature that you might want to add in your company through a survey add a long text question.

You might want to know the names of the respondents in your survey, for that you add a short text question.

You can also set a limit on the maximum number of characters for the questions.


Multiple choice questions are elemental to any survey. They're versatile, intuitive, and they yield clean data that's easy for you to analyze. Since they provide a fixed list of answer options.


Multiple Selection: In case of Multiple choice question, you can toggle multiple selection ON when the user is required to select more than one option.

Randomise Choice: In case you want to randomise the order of the choices. You can also fix the position of certain choices if you wish to do so.


A rating question asks survey respondents to compare different items using a common scale. You ask people to mark how satisfied they were with a product or service, so you are more able to judge where to put the effort in.


Shape: You can choose a shape which suits your brand style in the Rating question.


You need to know the email address of all your employees or your product customers for feedback. Add an email question to your survey!


If you are a manager of a company you might want to know the age of your employees answering your survey. Number questions can be utilized to know the number of employees in a department or employee Id number.



Organizations might need to share important information like instructions, tips, or notes in the survey. Such information does not need a response from the respondent. Add information to your survey in the following manner. 


This question type is beneficial if you have to pose related questions with similar reaction sets. The grid question type has been created to combine different question types. The Grid Question can be used to know opinions on different statements in one question.


Let us say you want to know the opinions of your employees regarding a conference that took place in the office. You might have several questions such as The Quality of the conference, The Food offered, The Speaker list, etc

Add these questions in the rows of the grid and add the different opinions in the columns.


Mutually Exclusive: In Grid question, you can make one choice exclusive within a statement and that choice will be blocked for all other statements.

Runner View Options: You can also choose the runner view in case of grid questions. We currently allow 3 variations of displaying the grid question which can be selected according to your preference.


This question type is beneficial if you want the user to rate similar queries or statements. The rate attributes question is similar to the grid question, but instead of multiple choice, it has a star rating type.


If you are a product company you might need the number of your possible customers or you might be a company looking to hire employees. Phone number questions are utilized by trained interviewers to contact and gather information from possible respondents.

Default Country Code: Select the country code from the drop-down menu.


The Yes/No question is used when the question requires a simple yes/no or positive/negative as the answer.


Yes/No Icon: You can select which icon you want to display in the yes/no question. There are two options for the same - thumbs up/down buttons as well as tick/cross.



The Image Choice question is the visual representation of the multiple-choice questions. Instead of adding text as a choice, you can upload images. You can label each image choice. Upload images from your computer.


Size: You can change the size of the image to be displayed in the question. There are 3 options available for the same.


Hide Choice Text: You can toggle the displaying of the choice text that is displayed under each image in the option. 


Surveys usually end with a Thank You Screen that will appear on your screen after you click the submit button.

Redirect: You can enter a link in this setting where you want to redirect the user to after he/she completes the survey.


When you want to force the user to end the survey or when a certain condition makes the response invalid, you can directly make the user jump on the terminate screen. The response of the user jumping to the terminate screen will not be displayed in the report section. 


The logic section is where you will create logic flows. This is helpful when you want to hide certain questions in certain situations or jump from one question to the other when a certain condition is triggered.


To know more, click on the link.


Find resources in our website and if you have any further questions or support needs, you can reach us through the messenger or by emailing

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