After creating your survey, your survey is ready to be shared! Start collecting anonymous responses for your survey.
Let us see how we can share the survey via the anonymous link.
You will be able to view the anonymous link on the Share Survey page. Copy the link to the survey.
Note: The responses collected using the link will be under an anonymous user which you can view in the Comments Page under Reports.
Enter this link on your web browser in the URL bar to respond to the survey created. By default, any user can respond to your survey using this link as many times as they want.
Start collecting anonymous responses for your survey on Facebook and Twitter.
Let us see how we can share the survey on Social Media.
Select Social Link on the Share Survey page. Select the social media where you want to share your survey.
Note: The responses collected using the link will be under an anonymous user which you can view in the Comments Page under Reports.
Log in to your social media account and share your survey link with your friends on Facebook and/or followers on Twitter.
By default, any user can respond to your survey using this link as many times as they want.
Tip: You can change Survey Access for the anonymous social media link using Survey Options in your build.