Now that you have created your survey, your survey is ready to be shared! Share your survey via Email, on Social Media, using an Anonymous Link, or by a QR Code.
View the sharing options on the Share Survey page on your build or click the sharing icon present on your survey in the workspace. You can also view your Email Summary here.
Note: Click on Next to create workflows for your survey.
Along with sharing options, you can view the status of all your distribution channels here. The following information will be mentioned :
Distribution Channel: The type of distribution channel such as email campaign, social media Url, etc.
Send Date: The date on which the survey was shared on the channel.
Responses: The number of responses collected via the distribution channel.
Status: By default, a distribution channel is active as soon as you share your survey on that channel. You can pause sharing for a particular channel, just click on the icon next to Active. Change the status back to active by clicking on the icon next to pause.
Note: Pause all your distribution channels by clicking on the Pause Response Collection button.
Action: View, Clone, Edit or Delete a distribution channel. Click on the icons here.